Needlecase Tutorial
Please be mindful and not steal the pattern and claim it as your own. Link back to here if you make the needlecase as a matter of courtesy.Supplies needed:
Pattern - click here to download the pattern
Two pieces of coordinating fabrics 9.5” x 10.5”
1 piece of felt about 7” square
Pellon or batting 9” x 10”
Button and clips
1.Using 2 different coordinating fabrics about 9.5” x 10.5” place them with right sides together
2.Place template onto wrong side of fabric and trace around it with a pencil – the traced line is the stitching line – then place the pellon or batting under the two fabrics – using a walking foot if you have one, sew on the traced line.

3.Cut about a quarter inch from the sewn line. Nick carefully into the curves. Cut a slit in one layer of the fabric that will be the inside of the needlecase so that you can turn it right side out being careful not to cut through more than one fabric. You dont need to worry about closing this join as the felt piece will be stitched over it.

4.I then iron it so it sits nicely – then sew a quarter inch from the outer edge if you like - I do on some and not on others.
5.Cut the smaller shape out using the felt

6.Lay this on the “inside” of the needlecase and sew from the inside of the curve from side to side to make eight segments as per the lines on the template

7.I then iron the needle case in half and then across the other half so that it folds neatly
8.Then fold both the left and right side towards the middle at the same time as the front towards the back

9.Sew on a "sew on snap" and a button to the tab and wahhhlaaa its done