A creative mess is better than tidy idleness. ~Author Unknown
Any day spent sewing, is a good day. ~Author Unknown
I love sewing and have plenty of material witnesses. ~Author Unknown

Friday, July 16, 2010

This 'n' That E-Book

Hi Everyone,

I've just finished a brand new E-Book that I hope everyone will enjoy. It's packed full of tips and tricks, a few projects, and 2 brand new patterns.

To be sure your patterns pieces print out at the right size, please visit my Printing Instructions page.

Have a great day everyone,


  1. Oops she did it again!!!!! (now sing that line out loud to Brittney's Music) What a wonderful informative E-book.. Thank you so much Brenda for all the great tips, instructions,and great patterns for projects. You are always so generous and giving to all of us sewers and crafters. I for one live to see all of your new wonderful creations... thank you so much for sharing them with us :)

  2. I ♥LOVE♥ this book!! Thank you so much for sharing your talents with us, Ms Brenda!!♥

  3. hmmm O must be missing the link I wanted to download it but seem to be having trouble... I love your site and your sister's...
    DaCraftyLady Debb

  4. Hi Ms. Pitty Pat and Cathy...I'm so glad everyone's enjoying the book.

    I did, however, receive a message that some were having problems downloading the E-Book. Now that I've read my post again, I can see why. I failed to explain the "how to" at all. So....you need to click on the title of the book (above the picture) where it says "This 'n' That E-Book"...and that should do it.

    Please don't hesitate to contact me again if you are still having problems.

    Blessings Everyone,

  5. Just wanted to say thankyou for such a lovely book and thankyou for your generosity in sharing it with us. Wonderful!
